How do I get Latitude and Longitude of a location?
You can look up latitude or longitude on Google Maps. Search for your location and right click on the dropped location.
The first number is the latitude and the second is the longitude. Some sources will use 11°S, 150°W. In this changes
use a negative sign infront of any number preceed an S (South) or W (West).
How do I turn this star map into a poster, print, or other item?
Download the map by pressing the download button. Then import the map into editing software such as canva, gimp or photioshop and
build out what you want. This give syou complete creative freedom to do what you want.
Which time do I use?
Use the time at the location for the star map.
How do I change colours, or see planets, the milky way or details?
Open the options menu and click on the required options. There are a plethora of objects you can see including all of the above.
You can change colours, set names, see constellations and have a variety of other options available to you.
Why did you build this?
I built this as a learning experinece to understand the night sky, and how the stars and planets move across it. I was nmotivated to
publish it after seeing people charge for something that could be achieved with a couple of hours of effort. If you feel this has been useful,
please donate.
Can you help me with building something?
Definitely, please reach out me via the form here.